Popular And Best And High Paying CPM AD NETWORKS.
CPM (Cost Per thousand Impressions), generally on publishers’ point of views are how much one can earn when an ad gets 1000 impressions on the website. Some ad networks pay $3/CPM, some $4, but the average is about that. If you have 700 regular unique visitors generates about 1000 impressions a day on your site, these people are not likely to click on CPC ads, so I’d say CPM ads are probably a better way out. Here’s few of the top paying CPM ad networks that I’ve come to know, used or heard before. If you have more, I’d be happy to add them in. Full list after jump.
Popular And Best And High Paying CPM AD NETWORKS :-

Tribal Fusion

ValueClick Media

Vibrant Media


CPX Interactive


Casale Media 


Other Best Paying CPM Adnetworks




Ampira Media


Bardzo Media


Canep Media

Gorilla Nation

RealCast Media

RealTech Network


Note: These ad networks may also offer CPC (Cost Per Click), CPA (Cost Per Action) or other formats of ads and comes in various payment method. Some of them also have a minimum requirements in terms of site traffics. Be sure to read the FAQ thoroughly before submitting your application.

1 commentaires:

  1. I have been using Adtomatik for two months ago and I have given very good results, with them I received advice to improve monetization with highly effective strategies such as image ads, native ads, etc.

