Hello everyone, I will be giving a quick review of 13 +Pinging-sites that you can utilize for your blogs here at Bubblews and for any other separate blog sites you have. So what exactly is pinging?

Pinging is essentially sending out a set of information so other servers know you’re trying to reach them, and this is useful when you want to inform +Search-engines such as +Google that you updated your blog. This is vital if you want to be able to get indexed faster, and although it may not be the magic pill of +SEO , it still is something you can put into use for your blogs.

Pinging also can send +Google-spider-bots and other search engine bots to see what content is new and fresh. Just remember, only ping when you’ve updated your content, and to be on the safe side, try to ping your blog posts only a few times in a day, or every other day to reduce your chances of being penalized.

Also, if you’re thinking that pinging is illegal +Traffic-Exchange , if it was, there probably wouldn’t be a lot of users here on Bubblews….links get pinged daily. It’s just a way of letting the +Internet know your blog has been updated and you make consistent updates to it as well.

Make sure to ping appropriately and don’t spam ping your links at all.

Now, let’s get on with the countdown of 13 useful pinging sites for your +Bubblews blog!

13. 247pinger.com/

+247pinger is a site currently in beta, and based on my usage of it, it’s not really showing too much progress, but it does have potential. It’s easy to use, and you can submit up to 5,000 links by entering one in each line. Now, in this case for Bubblews blogging, you won’t need to submit that many links, at most per day 10, and you can also enter keywords as well.

12. www.pingmylink.com/submit/

+Pingmylink supposedly pings your blog to 1,132 Websites, but in all actuality, it only pings to the domain, not complex links. So in terms of utilizing this as a resource in getting your blogs expressed here, it’s not that useful. However, if you have a separate blog of your own, you can utilize this to get your backlinks from your Bubblews article to search engines faster!

So for independent blogging that links to your Bubblews articles, this is a useful site, but actually pinging the complex link form for your blogs on Bubblews, not such a good thing. And even though it claims to have 1,132 sites to be pinged, it really only pings maybe 2-10% of that amount, but hey, it’s better than nothing! 

11. www.totalping.com/

This is another simple ping site where you enter your blog name and blog link, and it will ping it to several search engines and other blog feeds. Also, if you have a +RSS for your blog, this augments the chances of getting your links known, thus more views! 

Almost all of the ping sites mentioned in this review will have an RSS link option as well, so take advantage of it and+Totalping !!!

10. www.pingfarm.com/

Another site that allows you to enter several links at once and keywords, +Pingfarm is a pretty useful pinging site in my opinion. It’s straight forward, and if you scroll down a bit, you can type in your blog name and such, and it’ll ping it to a few search engines.

It’s pretty straightforward and isn’t too complicated.

9. www.bulkping.com/

This is another one that claims that you can enter unlimited amounts of links to ping, but in a practical sense, you want to just submit a few links (10 for 10 blog posts a day limit for Bubblews). 

8. www.ping.in/

+Ping-in is pretty straightforward, it has all the options of search engines and blog directories it pings your links to, and it just takes a few minutes before it gives you a quick report on which ones went through or not with a smiley face or frowning face.

7. pingates.com/

+Pingates sends your blog links to 40+ search engines, and that’s definitely useful for updating your blog! It has a simple format like most pinging sites mentioned in this top 13 ping sites review, just enter the blog title, link, and you’re good to go!

6. googleping.com/

This site pings to several blog services pertaining to Google obviously, and it’s about 83 services that you have the potential of pinging to as well (that’s if you just choose Check all for “Popular Services” and “Blog Services” only).

Most of the time when I ping my blog (both my Bubblews and +Blogger blogspot), I get it pinged to 82 out of 83 sites. Pretty useful if you ask me, and +Google-ping is easy to set things up quickly.

5. www.blogbuzzer.com/

+Blogbuzzer sends out pings to services like +Technorati , +Yahoo , and more! 

4. feedshark.brainbliss.com/

This is number 4 simply because it’s one of the first pinging sites I found to be very useful. It sends pings to popular blog directories and search engines as well, and for this one, +Feedshark has a +Turbo-mode where if you have a fast connection, it gets the pinging done quickly and efficiently.

3. www.pingmyblog.com/

This one does more unique services and mixes things up a bit, which is definitely useful for expanding your blogs. It gives an instant report of each site pinged to your right, so you can just see the links go by quickly, and you can keep a rough check on which sites get pinged consistently. 

2. www.blogpingtool.com/

+Blog-ping-tool sends pings to over 40+ services, which is the same as a few other ping sites I mentioned above, but overall, I personally like this. Not much I can say here for this one other than to simply try it out!!!

1. pingler.com/

The reason why this is number one is simply because it pings your blog every 3 days to search engines and other blog directories. It’s free to sign up, and you can even set general categories for what each blog post is actually about. I believe it also pings +Pingomatic , which is why I didn’t include that for this review.

Remember to ping practically, don’t go spamming your links, otherwise you might risk the chance of having your own blog penalized, and it’ll be hard to get your way back to the top. And remember pinging is simply letting search engines and blog directories know your blog is updated. The more you show you’re a consistent blogger that can provide good content, the more credibility you get, and the more natural views you can get as well!

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